Translation for the toy and games industry
The toy industry is vast and the key toy and games exhibitions such as Toy Fair in London, Nuremberg International Toy Fair in Germany and Spring Fair in Birmingham are all starting to take place. Translation is a necessity within the toy industry, whether it be to help companies market overseas via translation of their website or product information, or to meet legal requirements by translating packaging or safety instructions. It’s essential that toy companies ensure all of their translations are carried out by professionals and are of high quality. Here are 3 reasons why:
1. High-quality sells
With so many toys and games available on the market, first impressions are everything when it comes to your branding. Retailers from all over the world attend international toy fairs looking for new products, which means you need to impress. A lot of thought will go into your original packaging copy to ensure your wording is persuasive, which in turn makes people pick your products up off the shelves. All of your toy and games translations should have the same effect. Specialist translators can replicate your writing style on your packaging and across the advertising campaigns that accompany the product.
Find out more about creative translation on our marketing and PR translation page
2. High-quality = safety
Accuracy is critical when it comes to translating instructions for the toy industry and especially safety instructions. Specialist toy translators are the only ones who will ensure correct and consistent terminology will be used to ensure toys and other products are assembled and used properly, which is vital for child safety.
3. High-quality means legally correct
It’s important to ensure your packaging meets international legal requirements and guidelines. This means having warning labels and terms and conditions translated for the countries you’re exporting to. For this it’s essential to use professional legal translators. They understand the correct register and the legal terminology that should be used throughout. They also know how to translate documents in a grammatically accurate way so as to avoid any ambiguity. It’s extremely important to use specialists as mistranslations of legal copy could lead to a loss of money or, in the worst case scenario, a lawsuit.
Andiamo! and the toy and games industry
At Andiamo! toy and games is one of our key sectors and we work regularly translating instructions, brochures and website copy for clients such as Smyths Toys and Galt Toys. We also regularly subtitle promotional videos for websites and business meetings.
“Smyths Toys needed a partner who could deal with many simultaneous projects at once, as we are constantly bringing new products to market. Andiamo! has a great team and offers an excellent service and I have no hesitation to recommend them to anyone who needs a flexible, quick translation service.”
Find out more about our experience in toy and games translation here.